Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Driving Test for Deaf in Ohio

Driver Test Video for Deaf and Hard of Hearing in OHIO

O.A.D. was first called "The Ohio Deaf Motorists Association" from 1940 to 1961. The name changed to the Ohio Association of the Deaf in 1961 when it merged with the Ohio Federation of Organizations serving the Deaf. The history of the driving test in the original videotape was made by a deaf person who happened to be our first O.A.D. president and founder, Dick Petkovich. It is critical for O.A.D. to preserve the history of the "Ohio Deaf Motorists Association."

O.A.D. wants to share with you that the Ohio State Highway Patrol in Columbus is working closely with Ohio Association of the Deaf to have an update videotape. The old one was from 1980, which it is too old to use. The new one should be in ALL cities in OHIO to provide you as individuals for your option to take a written test or videotape. You may have an interpreter present if you wish.

If there is any problem you have in your exam station, please report it to OAD President, Linda Mahmood at president@oad-deaf.org. O.A.D. President, Linda Mahmood will forward the message to the Ohio State Highway Patrol Manager who is working closely with O.A.D. The report you should include is : (1) date, (2) location of exam station, and (3) a detailed information of you want to report.

It is important that you are aware that Ohio Highway Patrol Manager in Columbus, Ohio and O.A.D. are working together for the best interest of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing people in Ohio. Your message is valuable to help us solve the problem.

If you have a comment or questions, please feel free to e-mail a message to O.A.D. President. Thank you for taking your time to read this message.


Linda Mahmood, President
Ohio Association of the Deaf, Inc.

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